Italian Communist Party

Fraternal Greetings from the Italian Communist Party

Source: Communist Unity Convention: Official Report
Date: September 1920
Publisher: Communist Party of Great Britain
Transcription/Markup: Brian Reid
Public Domain: Marxists Internet Archive (2006). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.

Dear Comrades,—

We are unable to send a representative to take part your Conference of the 31st of July owing to the absence of several of our members in Russia attending the Second Congress of the Third International, and also on account of the numerous economic agitations which are now being waged in Italy. We are very pleased with the agreement arrived at between the best British elements to accomplish a common task according to the policy of the Third International. The importance of such an event must not be overlooked at this moment when the representatives of the Communist Parties the world over are meeting at Moscow to consider the best means of bringing about the World Revolution.

Our proletariat is watching with sympathy the progress of the British proletariat which is liberating itself from Social Democratic error and marching decisively towards Communism.

The Eastern bourgeoisie are looking hopefully to the English bourgeoisie to defend them against the ever-growing menace of the Revolution. We are confident that the English proletariat will be able to secure the triumph and the consolidation of the Russian Revolution which is the matrix of the World Revolution.

The working classes of Italy have done and will do everything in their power to accomplish this supremely important task and stretch out their hands to English comrades who are uniting with them against the common foe. It is not now the hour for hesitation or vain promises. What the Communists do today will assure them the triumph of the future. It is the hour for definite decisions of historic responsibility which must be faced without hesitation. To the comrades assembled at London we send these earnest words, which are the expression of the determination of the Italian Socialists.

In the name of the Italian Socialists we greet you, looking with you towards the Universal Republic of the Councils. Long live Communist England!

EGIDIO GENNARI, Political Secretary.